23 February 2008

A Disconnect

Today's breath of fresh air comes to us from Jacob Halbrooks over at lewrockwell.com:

"In a system where government activities are only funded voluntarily and at direct cost to those contributing, we would find the true mandate of the people for financing specific policies of the government. Likely, we would find an end to the welfare/warfare state and an army of bureaucrats seeking other employment."

I've been looking for a way out of really hating my fellow American. I'm not a hateful person - in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't hate anyone. And yet, when I look at the mounds of incredibly undeniable evidence that the Average Joe is not only just plain dim, but also seems to be proactively seeking the demise of our Republic... my non-hate starts to go into the red zone. (You are obviously not one of the aforementioned Dims, since you have the good sense to use a few minutes of your day and park yourself in front of this wondrous blog of mine. You, in fact, are among the Anti-Dim. Congratulations, and good luck.)

Needless to say, I was much relieved when I read Mr. Halbrooks' article, because it allows me to regain trust in my buddy, Mr. Joe, and instead point the condemning finger at something more discernibly Bad. I speak, of course, of The System.

When there is a complete disconnect between Government policy and the American pocketbook, how in the world can I get mad at any of my poor comrade schleps? If we were able to vote with our money, how different would this country be! As I see it, the source of this disconnect takes two primary forms: the IRS, and the Federal Reserve. We are compelled to pay for whatever the Government says we should pay for. And hot-off-the-presses "assets" make up whatever the difference is between the total bill and what couldn't be stolen from us.

Along these same lines is the sidestepping done by the Executive Branch (and the ignorance of Congress for allowing it) when Congress's Constitutionally-granted power to declare war was diluted, and the President given the ability to authorize "Military Force". The Founders knew that War and The People were inexorably linked. Congress is meant to be the voice of the People in our government. How much would we be debating this so-called "War In Iraq" if the President needed to ask us to fund it? Can you imagine a Fundraising Drive to pay for Mr. Bush's "War"? (The Government could hire the Girl Scouts, but they'd probably charge $40 per box. Oh, and a box would consist of three and a half cookies. They might allow a discount - to stimulate the economy - but you'd need to fill out a 28 page form first.) But none of this is of any concern, because we each pay our taxes, and the Fed prints up the rest.

"Good people can vote for evil because the political process spreads the cost of evil to everyone... As long as people recognize the authority of government to fund itself on their behalf, the regime will continue."

So rest easy tonight, Mr. and Mrs. American. I do not hate you - yet. Just open your eyes, or else.


Unknown said...

I think you will appreciate this article I found....

http://libertyamendment.org/smoot.html its from Dan Smoot.

Unknown said...

BTW that was written in 1969.